Friday, June 6, 2008

Whew! It's over!

Hurray! VBS is over! Even though David and I are both tired and I was rather stressed through it all, we sort of enjoyed it but were thrilled to be finished. (And I only wrote "Not Sure" on the form to indicate whether I'll be available next year!)

It is crazy how hectic the VBS day is and how little time a worker really has with the children. Of the 18 kids who we met this week, I think I only know the families of perhaps 3. So it is unlikely that I'll ever see these kiddos again. Sad!

Let me do a quick rundown: First there are the two A's. One reminds me a little of Ricky Schroeder with glasses. Decent behavior, and not any trouble. He had a great quote one day. I heard him tell another boy: "Babies are my worst nightmare!" The other A seems a full year older than the others. He was very sharp and interacted well with adults. I'd love to watch him grow up!

One little guy, J, was a tiny guy, but a firecracker! Adorable and sharp as a tack! He'll probably be a surgeon. Another little J, is as fair as the other J is dark. Also a little monkey! He delighted in going against the grain in the Yes/No game. It cracked him up to choose Yes when the obvious answer was No! Too cute.

S, is the new son of some friends. He and his brother were adopted from overseas six months ago or so. Adorable! Quiet and well behaved.

Another S is also the son of friends. Also cute as a button. One morning when I was leading a segment, I ignored his raised hand while I was teaching, until I had a moment to let him have his say. His comment: "Last summer I had a stomach virus!" Funny and so random!

There were at least 5 little guys that I really didn't get to know. Either they behaved so well they blended into the scenery, or they were really quiet.

Two guys were our major discipline problems. I'd love to know what troubles little W. He has a near meltdown every day. At the drop of a hat, he starts a whine that turns into tears. He isn't that loud, but just falls apart at little things, such as wanting to sit by a specific person, or not seeing himself on the video coverage of rally time. I found that he did better on the days that I sidled up to him and assigned myself to him. He seemed to welcome the affection and attention, and behaved a little better.

D was the other troubled child. He has ADD issues and really has problems with that with his mom. He has his own agenda and we had to run herd on him. At one point he wouldn't do what I asked, so when I made a second attempt at having him mind me, he went limp and rolled his eyes to the back of his head. I guess that technique works at home. Wild!

We only had 3 girls! S was sweet and helpful, R was quiet and a little sad, and E also sweet and cute. I'm concerned about R. I don't think I ever saw her smile.

So, needless to say, I won't miss the stress, but will miss some of those little personalities. I do know I'm ready to have little people in my life again!

Changing subjects: Nat had another job interview for an AA job for a small web management company. Maybe she'll have a shot. She didn't get the pediatrician office job. Come on, people! Somebody give her a chance!

Zach also had some breakthrough about his job. He has lots more responsibility, so he could use an upgrade!

Well, I'm going. Till next time!

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